Nicks Photos are in :
Australian Geographic
RM Williams Outback Magazine
Hardie Grant Books
Better Photography Magazine
Australian Photography Magazine
Pat Callinan's 4x4 Magazine
Artique Calendars
and many other books and publications.
Nick Rains Imaging
PO Box 213
The Gap
Queensland 4061
Supported by:

New Articles
/in Articles /by NickThere are now over twenty photography articles published on this site and many are new – from articles published in print magazines over the past few years.
Photo Fundamentals Seminars
/in News /by NickNew Courses – Photo Fundamentals.
If you are relatively new to photography and would like to get your head around the core concepts of digital photography and what they really mean, then this is for you. A full day course examining ten different fundamental concepts, each of which will help you shoot better, more controlled images. The seminars are in Perth, Brisbane, Melbourne and Adelaide.
Photographer’s Eye book now in Second Edition.
/in News /by NickMy most successful book to date – Australia – A Photographer’s Eye – was released a few months ago in a Second Edition with loads of new images and new locations mapped out for photography. I have just added it to my Product pages – it’s $54 including postage within Australia.
Bunker Bay Workshop – full
/in News /by NickAs usual this workshop has proved very popular and right now (2/7/14) it’s full. We do run a waiting list because places sometimes do become vacant, so please email us. The waiting list is strictly on a first come first served basis.
There are still a few places left for the Freycinet Workshop in November – similar workshop, different venue – so if you missed out on Bunker Bay, maybe a trip to Tassie is in order…
New Website
/in News /by NickPlease excuse this site being a bit sparse for a short while – I had to swap web hosts in a bit of a hurry (long story!) and much the content need to be moved across as soon as I can. Most importantly though, bookings for my Workshop are fully functional so please follow the Workshop Link above.